PanSTARRS DR1 and DR2 databases will be unavailable Tuesday February 25 from 8am-2pm US Eastern time. We apologize for the inconvenience.

EAOT Detailed Field Descriptions

You may submit queries using any of the fields listed below. The "Column Label" is the name displayed on the search forms and in search results. The "Column Name" is the actual column name in the table and needs to be specified in GET requests. See the EAOT API web page for information on submitting GET requests.

Last update: December, 2019

Column Name Column Label Description UCD Data Type Units
Tday Tday Dayside Temperature (Kelvin) phys.temperature double K
Planet_Name Planet Name Planet Name meta.id;meta.main char none
Catalog_Name Catalog Name Planet source catalog name meta.id.parent char none
SNR_Emission_15_micron 1,5 micron Emission SNR 1.5 micron Emission SNR relative to HD 209458 b stat.snr double none
SNR_Emission_5_micron 5 micron Emission SNR 5 micron Emission SNR relative to HD 209458 b stat.snr double none
SNR_Transmission_K_mag Kmag Transm. SNR K-band Transmission SNR relative to HD 209458 b stat.snr double none
Rp Rp Planet radius (Jupiter radii) phys.size.radius double jupiterRad
Mp Mp Planet mass (Jupiter masses) phys.mass double jupiterMass
Teq Teq Planet equilibrium temperature (K) phys.temperature double K
log10g_p log(gp) Planet surface gravity phys.gravity double log(cgs)
Period Period Planet orbital period (d) time.period double d
Transit_Duration Transit Duration Planet transit duration (hr) time.duration double h
Transit_Flag Transit Flag Planet transit flag (0- no transit, 1- transit) meta.code int d
K_mag K Mag K-band magnitude phot.mag;em.IR.K double mag
Distance Distance Distance to planet host star (pc) pos.distance double pc
Teff Teff Stellar effective temperature (K) phys.temperature double K
log10g_s log(gs) Stellar surface gravity phys.gravity double log(cgs)
Column Name Column Label Description UCD Data Type Units