Hubble Source Catalog Search

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HSC Detailed Field Descriptions

You may submit queries using any of the fields listed below. The "Column Label" is the name displayed on the search forms and in search results. The "Column Name" is the actual column name in the table and needs to be specified in GET requests. See the HSC API web page for information on submitting GET requests.

Last update: June 13, 2019

Column Name Column Label Description Examples/Valid Values Data Type Units
CatID CatID Unique identifier for each catalog entry Range: 1 to 101789844 integer none
MatchID MatchID identifier for the match Range: 1 to 29198484 integer none
MemID MemID Unique identifier for each source of a match Range: 1 to 329 integer none
SourceID SourceID Source identifier from white light (detection) image Range 2102514166 to 6515445493 integer none
Det Det Is source detected in this observation ? Y or N string none
MatchRA MatchRA(J2000) Right Ascension for the match Range 0.2120 to 359.8895 ra deg
MatchDec MatchDec(J2000) Declination for the match Range: -87.4125 to 89.3596 dec deg
SourceRA SourceRA(J2000) Right Ascension for this source detection Range 0.2120 to 359.8895 ra deg
SourceDec SourceDec(J2000) Declination for this source detection Range: -87.4125 to 89.3596 dec deg
D D Distance from source position to the match position in milliarcseconds (mas) Range: 0 to 633.0053 float mas
Dsigma Dsigma Std dev of the distance (D) between source and match positions in miliarcseconds (mas) Range: 0 to 397.3183 float mas
AbsCorr AbsCorr Was absolute astrometry correction made ? N to Y boolean
Ximage Ximage X position of source in image coordinates Range: 1.5680 to 8296.7314 float pixels
Yimage Yimage Y position of source in image coordinates Range: 1.9720 to 8506.4209 float pixels
ImageName ImageName HLA image Name string none
Instrument Instrument Name of instrument Examples: ACS string none
Mode Mode Observing mode Example: ACCUM string none
Detector Detector Detector Example: ACS/WFC string none
Aperture Aperture Aperture Example: WFC1 string none
ExposureTime ExpTime Exposure time Range: 0.1100 to 26400 float sec
StartTime StartTime Observation start time Range 1989-11-30 11:00:16 to 2014-06-11 20:40:50 datetime days
StartMJD StartMJD Observation start time in MJD 47860.4585 to 56819.8617 double days
StopTime StopTime Observation stop time Range: 1993-12-29 22:08:37 to 2014-06-12 01:49:03 datetime days
StopMJD StopMJD Observation stop time in MJD 49350.9227 to 56820.0757 double days
Wavelength Wavelength Pivot wavelength in Angstroms Range: 1322 to 16641.6000 float Angstrom
Filter Filter Filter Examples: F625W string none
TargetName Target Name Target Name for this observation Examples: NGC6341 string none
FluxAper2 FluxAper2 Count rate with an aperture radius 0.3 arcsec (WFPC2), 0.15 arcsec (ACS, WFC3/UVIS) and 0.45 arcsec (WFC3/IR) Range: 0.0000 to 8451500 float counts/s
MagAper2 MagAper2 Magnitude with an aperture radius 0.3 arcsec (WFPC2), 0.15 arcsec (ACS, WFC3/UVIS) and 0.45 arcsec (WFC3/IR) Range: 3.1120 to 1002.7530 float ABMAG
MagAuto MagAuto Estimated total magnitude using Source Extractor algorithm Range: 2.2648 to 103.2580 float ABMAG
PropID PropID HST proposal number 1070 to 13623 integer none
CI CI Normalized (by detector and filter) value of Concentration Index, defined as difference between magnitude in small and large apertures 0.4000 to 93.5510 float ABMAG
KronRadius KronRadius Mean value of the Kron Radius from Source Extractor 0 to 171.9027 float pixels
Flags Flags Bit encoded flag: bit 0 (value 0) = point source, (value 1) = extended, bits 1 or 2 (values 2 or 4) = saturated 0 to 4 integer none
Column Name Column Label Description Examples/Valid Values Data Type Units