Hubble Source Catalog
Catalog Overview
The HSC catalog API allows the ability to search the Hubble Source Catalog (versions 3 and 2). For additional information on the catalogs please visit the HSC Data Archive Home Page.
Catalog |
Table/View |
Additional Information |
Summary, MagAper2 |
SumMagAper2CatView |
Summary, MagAuto |
SumMagAutoCatView |
Detailed |
detailedCatalog |
Summary, Hubble Catalog of Variables |
HCVSummaryView |
Hubble Catalog of Variables |
HCVDetailedView |
SWEEPS Proper Motions |
ProperMotionsView |
SWEEPS Source Positions |
SourcePositionsView |
Getting Started
Quick Start
For more detailed information on using the API, continue below to Usage.
Example 1: HSCv3 MagAuto Summary Search
Search HSCv3 MagAuto Summary catalog at a point in the sky in a 10” cone, return entries in CSV form
Click to try Quick Start Example 1
Example 2: HSC Summary VO Table with Column Selection
Search HSC Summary MagAper2 catalog at a point in the sky where numimages is greater than or equal to 2, return at most 10 entries in VO Table format, only include column MatchID
GET[MatchID] HTTP/1.1
Click to try Quick Start Example 2
Specify Output Columns
GET[matchid,numimages,targetname,w2_f300w]pagesize=5001&format=csv HTTP/1.1
Click to try New API Specify Columns Example
The HSC API can be accessed using GET or POST requests. POST is recommended due to the potentially large request size.
Note Currently, the /metadata
endpoint only supports GET
Note If duplicate parameters are present in the query string and request body of a POST, the request body will override behavior
Selecting Catalogs
The HSC API currently supports the querying of HSC V3 (version 3) and V2 (version 2).
To access the different version of the HSC catalogs, indicate the version within the path:
HSC V3 and V2 include the Summary and Detailed catalogs.
Summary searches allows for the querying of Mag Types of MagAper2 and MagAuto.
To access HSC V3/V2 Summary MagAper2 and MagAuto searches, use the following paths:
To access the HSC V3/V2 Detailed search, use the following path:
To access the HCV Summary and Detailed searches, use the following paths:
Searching HSC
Counts may be returned based on a given query (search query creation details below)
To access counts, append the /count
path to a given catalog
Example Count for HSC Detailed Catalog
GET /hsc/v3/detailed/count?ra=210.802429&dec=54.348750&radius=0.00833333 HTTP/1.1
Example Count for HSC Summary MagAuto Catalog
GET /hsc/v3/summary/magauto/count?ra=210.802429&dec=54.348750&radius=0.00833333 HTTP/1.1
Meta Data
The /metadata
path provides additional information of available columns for a given catalog.
The additional information includes: column name, column data type, and column description.
Each HSC version supports the return of metadata.
Example Receive metadata for HSC Detailed Catalog
"name": "CatID",
"type": "NUMBER",
"description": null
}, {
"name": "MatchID",
"type": "NUMBER",
"description": null
}, {
"name": "MemID",
"type": "NUMBER",
"description": null
}, ...
The /crossmatch
and /crossmatch/upload
paths provide crossmatch functionality, returning matching database elements. The returned results cannot be paged, ordered, column-filtered or column-selected.
Currently, the Summary MagAper2 catalog is utilized for crossmatching. During the crossmatch, all null columns are removed.
method is supported.
: Upload a CSV file of coordinates or target names/crossmatch
: Post a list of coordinates or target names
Provided target names or coordinates may be resolved to verify provided information. If provided, the target column will be used for resolution, then the RA and Dec column. Resolving a large list or file will greatly increase the return time for the API request.
If a target or coordinate cannot be resolved, the item will be omitted from the crossmatch. If none of the provided targets or coordinates can be resolved, an error will return with a notification.
Crossmatch JSON
A JSON list may be submitted for crossmatching through the /crossmatch/
Valid JSON
The JSON submitted should consist of an array of dictionaries/objects, each containing keys for ra, dec, and target (if resolving target names). The length of the JSON list is restricted to 5,000 items.
JSON Request Parameters
The crossmatch request should contain parameters indicating the field names of the submitted JSON list.
Parameter |
Default |
Description |
Required |
The targets array of dictionaries/objects containing the target information. |
Whether to resolve the file coordinates/targets. |
0.000833 degrees (~3 arcseconds) |
The radius to crossmatch in degrees. Maximum of 0.000833333333333 degrees (~3 arcseconds) |
ra |
Key name for field containing RA coordinates. |
dec |
Key name for field containing Dec coordinates. |
target |
Key name for field containing target names. |
Field |
Description |
Field containing RA coordinates. Must be in decimals if not resolving. |
Field containing Dec coordinates. Must be in decimals if not resolving. |
Field containing target names. |
"ra": "37.68021",
"dec": "-2.93883",
"target": "SN 2005A"
"ra": "268.70342",
"dec": "71.54292",
"target": "SN 2005B"
"ra": "168.87258",
"dec": "60.75153",
"target": "SN 2005C"
"ra": "111.73900",
"dec": "20.38150",
"target": "SN 2005D"
"data": [
"_ra_": 202.469575,
"_dec_": 47.195258,
"_searchID_": 0,
"MatchID": 49376116,
"distanceArcMin": 0.003123671714663302,
"MatchRA": 202.4696116843927,
"MatchDec": 47.19530370565952,
"DSigma": 125.32767775370176,
"AbsCorr": "Y",
"NumFilters": 7,
"NumVisits": 5,
"NumImages": 8,
"StartTime": "1995-01-24 21:10:17.090000",
"StopTime": "2014-09-11 07:29:08.513000",
"StartMJD": 49741.88214220852,
"StopMJD": 56911.31190406252,
"TargetName": "SN-1994I-COMPANION",
"CI": 2.981806137592615,
"CI_Sigma": 0.43429232229113296,
"KronRadius": 0.258125000372529,
"KronRadius_Sigma": 0.16302798808614785,
"Extinction": 0.03598929941654205,
"W3_F275W": 20.301000595092773,
"W3_F275W_MAD": 0,
"W3_F275W_N": 1,
"W2_F336W": null,
"W2_F336W_MAD": null,
"W2_F336W_N": null,
"W3_F336W": 19.612600326538086,
"W3_F336W_MAD": 0,
"W3_F336W_N": 1,
"W2_F450W": null,
"W2_F450W_MAD": null,
"W2_F450W_N": null,
"W2_F502N": 16.291391372680664,
"W2_F502N_MAD": 0,
"W2_F502N_N": 1,
"W2_F547M": 16.8782901763916,
"W2_F547M_MAD": 0,
"W2_F547M_N": 1,
"W2_F656N": 15.643889427185059,
"W2_F656N_MAD": 0,
"W2_F656N_N": 1,
"W3_F673N": 17.63564968109131,
"W3_F673N_MAD": 0.011050224304199219,
"W3_F673N_N": 2,
"W2_F675W": null,
"W2_F675W_MAD": null,
"W2_F675W_N": null,
"W3_F689M": 17.59760093688965,
"W3_F689M_MAD": 0,
"W3_F689M_N": 1,
"W2_F814W": null,
"W2_F814W_MAD": null,
"W2_F814W_N": null,
"W3_F110W": null,
"W3_F110W_MAD": null,
"W3_F110W_N": null,
"W3_F128N": null,
"W3_F128N_MAD": null,
"W3_F128N_N": null
}, ...
Crossmatch Upload
A CSV file may be uploaded for crossmatching through the /crossmatch/upload
Valid CSV
The CSV submitted must be comma-delimited file ending in .csv
with an optional text/csv
The file may contain a header describing the given columns.
Without a header row, the request must also include the positional request parameters describing the CSV file. The length of the CSV file is limited by 5,000 rows.
Request Parameters
The crossmatch request should contain parameters indicating the information provided within the uploaded CSV file. These parameters
indicate the presence of a header (header
), the name of the columns (if a header is provided) and/or the position of the given column types (if no header).
Parameter |
Default |
Description |
Required |
The file to be uploaded in the POST request. 1 file is supported per call. |
If the file has a CSV header. If False, column positions must be provided |
Whether to resolve the file coordinates/targets. |
0.000833 degrees (~3 arcseconds) |
The radius to crossmatch in degrees. Maximum of 0.00083333333 degrees (~3 arcseconds) |
ra |
Column header name for the column containing RA coordinates.. |
dec |
Column header name for the column containing Dec coordinates. |
target |
Column header name for the column containing target names. |
The column position (beginning at 0) that indicates the RA column. |
The column position (beginning at 0) that indicates the Dec column. |
The column position (beginning at 0) that indicates the Target column. |
Column |
Description |
Column containing RA coordinates. Must be in decimals if not resolving. |
Column containing Dec coordinates. Must be in decimals if not resolving. |
Column containing target names. |
ra, dec, target
37.68021,-2.93883,SN 2005A
268.70342,71.54292,SN 2005B
168.87258,60.75153,SN 2005C
Searching By RA, Dec, and Radius
The HSC catalog may be searched based on entered RA
, Dec
and Radius
Radius may also be submitted via the parameter sr
. All following radius restrictions also apply to sr.
RA and Dec must be in decimal values. Radius must be in degrees.
To perform the cone search RA, Dec and radius are required.
The spatial search also accepts the query level parameter, nd
Value |
Description |
Notes |
0 |
All detected sources |
Default |
1 |
Detections and filter-based non-detections |
2 |
Detections, filter-based non-detections, and visit-based non-detections |
General Searching
Please read documentation for more detailed general search guidelines for our catalog services. Using MAST Catalogs
View Encoding Formats
// With Decorator
// With Accept Header
ACCEPT: application/json
Selecting Columns
View Selecting Columns
// note case insensitivity
Column Filtering
View Column Filtering
View Sorting
View Paging
HSC API Services
- POST /api/v0.1/hsc/{release}/{catalog}/crossmatch/upload
Get crossmatch data for specified catalog
Search HSC through crossmatch of an uploaded file
- Parameters:
catalog (string) – HSC catalog, one of detailed, propermotions, sourcepositions, hcvsummary or hcv (HCV Detailed)
release (string) – HSC data release, v2 or v3
- Query Parameters:
flatten_response (boolean) – Request responses to return as a list of lists rather than a list of objects.
format ({'string', 'null'}) – Format of the response (json/csv/xml/votable)
delimiter ({'string', 'null'}) – Delimiter used in csv response
raw (boolean) – Request all responses to be in raw form. If false, the response will convert all items of long data type to a string. This is useful for languages with problems encoding long data types.
include_info (boolean) – Request responses to include column info. If true, the response will include the info key within the return object with available column information.
- Status Codes:
200 OK – Success
422 Unprocessable Entity – Unable to validate input arguments
- Request Headers:
- POST /api/v0.1/hsc/{release}/{catalog}/crossmatch/{result_format}
Get crossmatch data for specified catalog
Search HSC through crossmatch of submitted targets
- Parameters:
release (string) – HSC data release, v2 or v3
catalog (string) – HSC catalog, one of detailed, propermotions, sourcepositions, hcvsummary or hcv (HCV Detailed)
result_format (string) – Format of results (CSV or JSON)
- Query Parameters:
resolve (boolean) – resolve passed targets/coordinates
flatten_response (boolean) – Request responses to return as a list of lists rather than a list of objects.
format ({'string', 'null'}) – Format of the response (json/csv/xml/votable)
delimiter ({'string', 'null'}) – Delimiter used in csv response
raw (boolean) – Request all responses to be in raw form. If false, the response will convert all items of long data type to a string. This is useful for languages with problems encoding long data types.
include_info (boolean) – Request responses to include column info. If true, the response will include the info key within the return object with available column information.
- Status Codes:
200 OK – Success
422 Unprocessable Entity – Unable to validate input arguments
- Request Headers:
- GET /api/v0.1/hsc/{release}/{catalog}/metadata
Get column metadata (name, type, description) for specified catalog
Return column metadata (name, type, description)
- Parameters:
catalog (string) – HSC catalog, one of detailed, propermotions, sourcepositions, hcvsummary or hcv (HCV Detailed)
release (string) – HSC data release, v2 or v3
- Status Codes:
200 OK – Success
422 Unprocessable Entity – Unable to validate input arguments
- GET /api/v0.1/hsc/{release}/{catalog}/metadata.json
Get column metadata (name, type, description) for specified catalog
Return column metadata (name, type, description)
- Parameters:
catalog (string) – HSC catalog, one of detailed, propermotions, sourcepositions, hcvsummary or hcv (HCV Detailed)
release (string) – HSC data release, v2 or v3
- Status Codes:
200 OK – Success
422 Unprocessable Entity – Unable to validate input arguments
- GET /api/v0.1/hsc/{release}/{catalog}/{mag}/metadata
Get column metadata (name, type, description) for specified catalog
Return column metadata (name, type, description)
- Parameters:
catalog (string) – HSC catalog, one of detailed, propermotions, sourcepositions, hcvsummary or hcv (HCV Detailed)
mag (string) – HSC catalog, one of MagAper2 or MagAuto (Summary-only).
release (string) – HSC data release, v2 or v3
- Status Codes:
200 OK – Success
422 Unprocessable Entity – Unable to validate input arguments
- GET /api/v0.1/hsc/{release}/{catalog}/{mag}/metadata.json
Get column metadata (name, type, description) for specified catalog
Return column metadata (name, type, description)
- Parameters:
catalog (string) – HSC catalog, one of detailed, propermotions, sourcepositions, hcvsummary or hcv (HCV Detailed)
mag (string) – HSC catalog, one of MagAper2 or MagAuto (Summary-only).
release (string) – HSC data release, v2 or v3
- Status Codes:
200 OK – Success
422 Unprocessable Entity – Unable to validate input arguments
- GET /api/v0.1/hsc/{release}/{catalog}/{mag}.{file_type}
Get filtered data for specified catalog
Get filtered data for specified catalog
- Parameters:
catalog (string) – HSC catalog, one of detailed, propermotions, sourcepositions, hcvsummary or HCV Detailed catalog
release (string) – HSC data release, v2 or v3
- Query Parameters:
count_records (string) – Get count of records instead of full data
columns (array) – A list of column names to include
sort_by (array) – A list of columns to sort by
pagesize (integer) – The number of planets to return per page
page (integer) – If using pagesize, the page number to return
ra ({'number', 'null'})
dec ({'number', 'null'})
radius (number) – search radius to consider in degrees, default is 0.2 degrees.
sr_param (number) – search radius to consider in degrees. Alternative to radius. Default is 0.2 degrees.
nd (integer) – Query level (Detailed spatial search only, default 0), 0) All detected sources, 1) Detections and filter-based non-detections, 2) Detections, filter-based non-detections, and visit-based non-detections
remove_null_columns (boolean) – Flag to remove columns with all null values (default True)
flatten_response (boolean) – Request responses to return as a list of lists rather than a list of objects.
format ({'string', 'null'}) – Format of the response (json/csv/xml/votable)
delimiter ({'string', 'null'}) – Delimiter used in csv response
raw (boolean) – Request all responses to be in raw form. If false, the response will convert all items of long data type to a string. This is useful for languages with problems encoding long data types.
include_info (boolean) – Request responses to include column info. If true, the response will include the info key within the return object with available column information.
- Status Codes:
200 OK – Success
422 Unprocessable Entity – Unable to validate input arguments
- Request Headers:
- POST /api/v0.1/hsc/{release}/{catalog}/{mag}.{file_type}
Get filtered data for specified catalog
Get filtered data for specified catalog
- Parameters:
catalog (string) – HSC catalog, one of detailed, propermotions, sourcepositions, hcvsummary or HCV Detailed catalog
release (string) – HSC data release, v2 or v3
- Query Parameters:
flatten_response (boolean) – Request responses to return as a list of lists rather than a list of objects.
format ({'string', 'null'}) – Format of the response (json/csv/xml/votable)
delimiter ({'string', 'null'}) – Delimiter used in csv response
raw (boolean) – Request all responses to be in raw form. If false, the response will convert all items of long data type to a string. This is useful for languages with problems encoding long data types.
include_info (boolean) – Request responses to include column info. If true, the response will include the info key within the return object with available column information.
- Status Codes:
200 OK – Success
422 Unprocessable Entity – Unable to validate input arguments
- Request Headers:
- GET /api/v0.1/hsc/{release}/{catalog}/{mag}
Get filtered data for specified catalog
Get filtered data for specified catalog
- Parameters:
catalog (string) – HSC catalog, one of detailed, propermotions, sourcepositions, hcvsummary or HCV Detailed catalog
release (string) – HSC data release, v2 or v3
- Query Parameters:
count_records (string) – Get count of records instead of full data
columns (array) – A list of column names to include
sort_by (array) – A list of columns to sort by
pagesize (integer) – The number of planets to return per page
page (integer) – If using pagesize, the page number to return
ra ({'number', 'null'})
dec ({'number', 'null'})
radius (number) – search radius to consider in degrees, default is 0.2 degrees.
sr_param (number) – search radius to consider in degrees. Alternative to radius. Default is 0.2 degrees.
nd (integer) – Query level (Detailed spatial search only, default 0), 0) All detected sources, 1) Detections and filter-based non-detections, 2) Detections, filter-based non-detections, and visit-based non-detections
remove_null_columns (boolean) – Flag to remove columns with all null values (default True)
flatten_response (boolean) – Request responses to return as a list of lists rather than a list of objects.
format ({'string', 'null'}) – Format of the response (json/csv/xml/votable)
delimiter ({'string', 'null'}) – Delimiter used in csv response
raw (boolean) – Request all responses to be in raw form. If false, the response will convert all items of long data type to a string. This is useful for languages with problems encoding long data types.
include_info (boolean) – Request responses to include column info. If true, the response will include the info key within the return object with available column information.
- Status Codes:
200 OK – Success
422 Unprocessable Entity – Unable to validate input arguments
- Request Headers:
- POST /api/v0.1/hsc/{release}/{catalog}/{mag}
Get filtered data for specified catalog
Get filtered data for specified catalog
- Parameters:
catalog (string) – HSC catalog, one of detailed, propermotions, sourcepositions, hcvsummary or HCV Detailed catalog
release (string) – HSC data release, v2 or v3
- Query Parameters:
flatten_response (boolean) – Request responses to return as a list of lists rather than a list of objects.
format ({'string', 'null'}) – Format of the response (json/csv/xml/votable)
delimiter ({'string', 'null'}) – Delimiter used in csv response
raw (boolean) – Request all responses to be in raw form. If false, the response will convert all items of long data type to a string. This is useful for languages with problems encoding long data types.
include_info (boolean) – Request responses to include column info. If true, the response will include the info key within the return object with available column information.
- Status Codes:
200 OK – Success
422 Unprocessable Entity – Unable to validate input arguments
- Request Headers:
- GET /api/v0.1/hsc/{release}/{catalog}.{file_type}
Get filtered data for specified catalog
Get filtered data for specified catalog
- Parameters:
catalog (string) – HSC catalog, one of detailed, propermotions, sourcepositions, hcvsummary or HCV Detailed catalog
release (string) – HSC data release, v2 or v3
- Query Parameters:
count_records (string) – Get count of records instead of full data
columns (array) – A list of column names to include
sort_by (array) – A list of columns to sort by
pagesize (integer) – The number of planets to return per page
page (integer) – If using pagesize, the page number to return
ra ({'number', 'null'})
dec ({'number', 'null'})
radius (number) – search radius to consider in degrees, default is 0.2 degrees.
sr_param (number) – search radius to consider in degrees. Alternative to radius. Default is 0.2 degrees.
nd (integer) – Query level (Detailed spatial search only, default 0), 0) All detected sources, 1) Detections and filter-based non-detections, 2) Detections, filter-based non-detections, and visit-based non-detections
remove_null_columns (boolean) – Flag to remove columns with all null values (default True)
flatten_response (boolean) – Request responses to return as a list of lists rather than a list of objects.
format ({'string', 'null'}) – Format of the response (json/csv/xml/votable)
delimiter ({'string', 'null'}) – Delimiter used in csv response
raw (boolean) – Request all responses to be in raw form. If false, the response will convert all items of long data type to a string. This is useful for languages with problems encoding long data types.
include_info (boolean) – Request responses to include column info. If true, the response will include the info key within the return object with available column information.
- Status Codes:
200 OK – Success
422 Unprocessable Entity – Unable to validate input arguments
- Request Headers:
- POST /api/v0.1/hsc/{release}/{catalog}.{file_type}
Get filtered data for specified catalog
Get filtered data for specified catalog
- Parameters:
catalog (string) – HSC catalog, one of detailed, propermotions, sourcepositions, hcvsummary or HCV Detailed catalog
release (string) – HSC data release, v2 or v3
- Query Parameters:
flatten_response (boolean) – Request responses to return as a list of lists rather than a list of objects.
format ({'string', 'null'}) – Format of the response (json/csv/xml/votable)
delimiter ({'string', 'null'}) – Delimiter used in csv response
raw (boolean) – Request all responses to be in raw form. If false, the response will convert all items of long data type to a string. This is useful for languages with problems encoding long data types.
include_info (boolean) – Request responses to include column info. If true, the response will include the info key within the return object with available column information.
- Status Codes:
200 OK – Success
422 Unprocessable Entity – Unable to validate input arguments
- Request Headers:
- GET /api/v0.1/hsc/{release}/{catalog}/count.json
Get filtered data for specified catalog
Get filtered data for specified catalog
- Parameters:
catalog (string) – HSC catalog, one of detailed, propermotions, sourcepositions, hcvsummary or HCV Detailed catalog
release (string) – HSC data release, v2 or v3
- Query Parameters:
count_records (string) – Get count of records instead of full data
columns (array) – A list of column names to include
sort_by (array) – A list of columns to sort by
pagesize (integer) – The number of planets to return per page
page (integer) – If using pagesize, the page number to return
ra ({'number', 'null'})
dec ({'number', 'null'})
radius (number) – search radius to consider in degrees, default is 0.2 degrees.
sr_param (number) – search radius to consider in degrees. Alternative to radius. Default is 0.2 degrees.
nd (integer) – Query level (Detailed spatial search only, default 0), 0) All detected sources, 1) Detections and filter-based non-detections, 2) Detections, filter-based non-detections, and visit-based non-detections
remove_null_columns (boolean) – Flag to remove columns with all null values (default True)
flatten_response (boolean) – Request responses to return as a list of lists rather than a list of objects.
format ({'string', 'null'}) – Format of the response (json/csv/xml/votable)
delimiter ({'string', 'null'}) – Delimiter used in csv response
raw (boolean) – Request all responses to be in raw form. If false, the response will convert all items of long data type to a string. This is useful for languages with problems encoding long data types.
include_info (boolean) – Request responses to include column info. If true, the response will include the info key within the return object with available column information.
- Status Codes:
200 OK – Success
422 Unprocessable Entity – Unable to validate input arguments
- Request Headers:
- POST /api/v0.1/hsc/{release}/{catalog}/count.json
Get filtered data for specified catalog
Get filtered data for specified catalog
- Parameters:
catalog (string) – HSC catalog, one of detailed, propermotions, sourcepositions, hcvsummary or HCV Detailed catalog
release (string) – HSC data release, v2 or v3
- Query Parameters:
flatten_response (boolean) – Request responses to return as a list of lists rather than a list of objects.
format ({'string', 'null'}) – Format of the response (json/csv/xml/votable)
delimiter ({'string', 'null'}) – Delimiter used in csv response
raw (boolean) – Request all responses to be in raw form. If false, the response will convert all items of long data type to a string. This is useful for languages with problems encoding long data types.
include_info (boolean) – Request responses to include column info. If true, the response will include the info key within the return object with available column information.
- Status Codes:
200 OK – Success
422 Unprocessable Entity – Unable to validate input arguments
- Request Headers:
- GET /api/v0.1/hsc/{release}/{catalog}
Get filtered data for specified catalog
Get filtered data for specified catalog
- Parameters:
catalog (string) – HSC catalog, one of detailed, propermotions, sourcepositions, hcvsummary or HCV Detailed catalog
release (string) – HSC data release, v2 or v3
- Query Parameters:
count_records (string) – Get count of records instead of full data
columns (array) – A list of column names to include
sort_by (array) – A list of columns to sort by
pagesize (integer) – The number of planets to return per page
page (integer) – If using pagesize, the page number to return
ra ({'number', 'null'})
dec ({'number', 'null'})
radius (number) – search radius to consider in degrees, default is 0.2 degrees.
sr_param (number) – search radius to consider in degrees. Alternative to radius. Default is 0.2 degrees.
nd (integer) – Query level (Detailed spatial search only, default 0), 0) All detected sources, 1) Detections and filter-based non-detections, 2) Detections, filter-based non-detections, and visit-based non-detections
remove_null_columns (boolean) – Flag to remove columns with all null values (default True)
flatten_response (boolean) – Request responses to return as a list of lists rather than a list of objects.
format ({'string', 'null'}) – Format of the response (json/csv/xml/votable)
delimiter ({'string', 'null'}) – Delimiter used in csv response
raw (boolean) – Request all responses to be in raw form. If false, the response will convert all items of long data type to a string. This is useful for languages with problems encoding long data types.
include_info (boolean) – Request responses to include column info. If true, the response will include the info key within the return object with available column information.
- Status Codes:
200 OK – Success
422 Unprocessable Entity – Unable to validate input arguments
- Request Headers:
- POST /api/v0.1/hsc/{release}/{catalog}
Get filtered data for specified catalog
Get filtered data for specified catalog
- Parameters:
catalog (string) – HSC catalog, one of detailed, propermotions, sourcepositions, hcvsummary or HCV Detailed catalog
release (string) – HSC data release, v2 or v3
- Query Parameters:
flatten_response (boolean) – Request responses to return as a list of lists rather than a list of objects.
format ({'string', 'null'}) – Format of the response (json/csv/xml/votable)
delimiter ({'string', 'null'}) – Delimiter used in csv response
raw (boolean) – Request all responses to be in raw form. If false, the response will convert all items of long data type to a string. This is useful for languages with problems encoding long data types.
include_info (boolean) – Request responses to include column info. If true, the response will include the info key within the return object with available column information.
- Status Codes:
200 OK – Success
422 Unprocessable Entity – Unable to validate input arguments
- Request Headers: