Hubble Source Catalog Search

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HCV Detailed Field Descriptions

You may submit queries using any of the fields listed below. The "Column Label" is the name displayed on the search forms and in search results. The "Column Name" is the actual column name in the table and needs to be specified in GET requests. See the HSC API web page for information on submitting GET requests.

Last update: September 11, 2019

Column Name Units Data Type Description
MatchID None bigint Identifier for the match. It joins with the MatchID used in the HSC tables, such as SumPropMagAper2Cat
Filter None bigint Filter name prefixed by the instrument name
MJD Time datetime The modified Julian date at the midpoint of the observation
ImageName None string Hubble Legacy Archive image name of the image containing the match
Mag Magnitude float Magnitude determined by the HSC
CorrMag Magnitude float Magnitude corrected by the HCV (same as Mag if no correction was possible)
MagErr Magnitude float Magnitude error
CI None float Normalized concentration index
D Milliarcseconds float Offset distance of source from match position
Column Name Units Data Type Description