Hubble Source Catalog Search

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HCV Summary Field Descriptions

You may submit queries using any of the fields listed below. The "Column Label" is the name displayed on the search forms and in search results. The "Column Name" is the actual column name in the table and needs to be specified in GET requests. See the HSC API web page for information on submitting GET requests.

Last update: September 11, 2019

Column Name Units Data Type Description
MatchID None bigint Identifier for the match. It joins with the MatchID used in the HSC tables, such as SumPropMagAper2Cat
Filter None bigint Filter name prefixed by the instrument name
GroupID None bigint Identifier for the image group of overlapping images that contains the match. It joins with the GroupID used in the HSC tables, such as Images.
SubGroupID None int Identifier for a subset of images within the image group. It is unique for each GroupID value, but not across GroupID values. If the subgroup is the same as the group, the value is -5.
RA Degrees float Right ascension coordinate of the match position
Dec Degrees float Declination coordinate of the match position
AutoClass None int Automated classification: 0=nonvariable, 1=single filter variable candidate, 2=multi-filter variable candidate
ExpertClass None int Expert (person made) classification: 0=not classified by expert 1=high confidence variable, 2=probable variable, 4=possible artifact
VarQualFlag None char(5) The five letters correspond to quality based on CI, D, MagerrAper2, MagAper2-MagAuto, and peak-to-peak amplitude; AAAAA corresponds to the highest quality flag
FilterDetFlag None bit Boolean indicator of whether viability is detected in the instrument and filter
NumLC None int Number of points in light curve
MeanMag Magnitude float Mean magnitude determined by the HSC
MeanCorrMag None int Mean magnitude corrected by the HCV (same as MeanMag if no correction was possible)
MAD Magnitude float Median absolute deviation of the magnitudes
Chi2 None float Reduced chi squared of the magnitudes
Column Name Units Data Type Description